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Healthy Mother = Healthy Family

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Healthy Mother = Healthy Family

Dt. Batul Slatewala 11 May 2019 2293 Views

If you’re a mom, your world most likely revolves around your children, especially when you have toddler’s running around your home. You get busy with cooking, cleaning, teaching etc and often forget to pay attention to your own wellbeing.

Moms are constantly on the go, 24/7, with no weekends or sick days off. Whether you are a working mother or stay-at home mother, taking care of yourself becomes an unimportant task! However, self-neglectingand ignoring your personal needs can make you feel tired, stressed and unhealthy. Mother’s need to understand that only if they are healthy, they will be able to take better care of their families.

“No child can be happy with an unhappy or sick mother”, and therefore, every mother needs to be well, both physically and mentally to take good care of her child.

A lot of people I know consider taking oneself as priority as some form of selfishness or sin. They believe that it is their sole responsibility to take care of the needs of their families. Let me put it straight for all you ladies out there, “NO!! YOUR HEALTH IS IMPORTANT AND SO ARE YOU!!”. It is not selfish to take care of yourself!

If you show your family through example that you are making your health a priority, they are more likely to make their health a priority too.

So, here are some healthy tips for busy moms to stay fit, and active all day.

  1. Never skip breakfast:  I know moms have very busy mornings.You have to make breakfast for family, pack tiffin for kids and husband, get kids ready for school etc.You just end up having a cup of tea or coffee for breakfast,which makes you tired, lethargic and mentally slow all day long and you tend to eat more in lunch or dinner and put on weight. When you are so concerned that your family gets a healthy breakfast every morning, then what about you? So at least start your day with a glass of milk / 2-3 dates / handful of nuts / boiled eggs / fruits which will hardly take your time from your busy schedule.
  2. Healthy snacking:  Healthy eating habits for mom also translate into healthy eating habits for the restof the family.  Avoid buying junk foods, such as chips, cookies, ‘farsan’, biscuits, sodas as its harder to resist the temptation when these foods are in the house. So, store nutritious and natural foods in the house, like roasted chana, peanuts, roasted soya nuts, popcorn, makhana, dry fruits, multigrain khakra etc. In the afternoon or evening while watching T.V. cut veggies like carrots sticks, cucumber slices, beetroot sticks etc or fruits and pack in individual portions and refrigerate so that you can just grab and eat it to satiate your hunger pangs.
  3. Eat meals on time:Try to have 3 healthy meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and 2 mid meals in a day and most important, have it on time. Eat a well-balanced diet which comprises of whole grains, fruits, vegetables. If you are working, always carry your lunch and snacks with you to resist the temptation of bad food choices when you are hungry. Avoid meal replacement like bars and shakes. Take vitamin and mineral supplements daily under medical supervision especially if you are lactating or deficient.
  4. Keep meals simple: Avoid highly processed foods, fast foods, bakery products, sugary foods as its bad for you and will also impact your family’s health. Make healthy meals at home with simple recipes having few ingredients so less cooking time is required and even less cleanup to do afterwards, so you can save your time.
  5. Drink plenty of water:Drink plenty of water throughout the day to avoid dehydration.Even mild dehydration may leave you with a headache, fatigue, and lack of energy. So, keep a bottle handy near you at all times or set a reminder or alarm at an interval so you don’t forget to drink water.
  6. Exercise daily:Try removing at least 30 minutes in your schedule for exercise. If you are unable to do that, you can at least do push-ups or squats while boiling milk or making tea or heating up something in microwave. Stand and walk around while talking on a phone rather than sitting and chatting. Take kids to garden in evenings so you can do workouts while watching them. Even a daily walk in the market for half an hour to buy groceries or vegetables will help!
  7. Get enough sleep;It is not always possible to get 7-8 hours of sound sleep, especially if you are a mother of young kids. So, keep the mind peaceful and keep your cell phones away from bed so you allow your body and mind to fall asleep easily and feel refreshed the next day.
  8. Relax and manage stress:Do yoga or meditation. You may simply stop and breathe slowly for 10minsto relax and let go off stress. Spend time with friends, read books, do any hobby you like and keep yourself calm, relaxed and happy!
  9. Go for regular check-ups:Since moms are always worried and tensed about the children and family, their stress levels are high so things like high blood pressure, metabolic disorders and other diseases may go undetected. So,regular check-ups are a must for every mother!!

So, all you beautiful ladies out there, listen to your body and pay attention to yourself! You are important and you matter!

For queries please get in touch with us. Also, use code ‘MOM500’ to get Rs 500 off on our weight loss program!!





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